"High School Never Ends..."

The Patriots are the new bully that used to take your lunch money, stuff you in lockers then like the snap of a finger become the victim.

After the Pats put a beating on the Jets in the opening game of the season, the Jets played the role of the geeky, four-eyed, loner and tattled on the big, bad bully to the authorities. In a whiny voice you can almost hear Eric Mangini saying "He was cheating!"

With the national media and commentators questioning their three Super Bowl championships, the Pats quickly turned from bully to victim. Turning from bully to victim is an art form. Not everyone can do it and if you are one of the people who can not then you will quickly be caught, cause you'll look foolish. Bill Belichick can motivate his players to see themselves as the victim even though the rest of the league sees them as big bullies.

They dismantled the overly cocky jocks (San Diego).
Rolled over the nerds (Trent Edwards and the Buffalo Bills).
Shut up the class clown (Cincinnati).
Beat up the J.V. squad during the annual Varsity-Junior Varsity scrimmage (Dallas).
Smacked and demolished the defenseless (Cleveland, Miami and Washington).
The old bully of the school returns and goes down late (Indianapolis).

The Pats return to school on November 18 to school the nerds on Life in the NFL. Even in Buffalo I don't see the Bills beating the Patriots. "When the little guy trys to take on the big guy, the little guy usually ends up head first in the garbage." (SLoZaC)

With seven games left in the regular season and 10 left before the Big Game on February 3, 2008, the Pats will see more nerds and geeks again. Especially those whiny, tattle-tailers that drove them to this position in the first place.

After being branded with the NFL bulls-eye, having corrupt officials officiating their games and everyone doubting their past achievements, the Pats turned themselves from being the perpetrator to a victim. They WILL go 19-0 and win their Lombardi Trophy in six years in Glendale, Arizona on February 3, 2008 (seven years exactly after their Super Bowl XXXVI championship).

Eric Mangini looks like the idiot now. Now knowing what happened, if you could go back in time, Mangini, would you still blow the whistle on Belichick?

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