Just sit back and enjoy this..

I'm going out on a limb here and say I do not see the Patriots losing a game for the rest of year. In a previous post I said Pittsburgh would be a tough game, I'm having a change of heart. After the Steelers lost to the Jets (one of the worst teams in football) the Steelers don't scare me anymore.

Before I comment on the Pats here's my mea culpa*. I must confess that I was too quick to put Ben Roethlisberger in the same category as Peyton Manning and Tom Brady, after Roethlisberger's come from behind victory against the Browns. In the words of Ted Sarandis, "I misspoke. I'm a human being and I misspoke!" I'm not commenting further on it. It is what it is.
Back to the Patriots. What the Patriots did on Sunday night was nothing short of spectacular. On every possession except for their last possession, the Pats ran into the endzone. And finally Laurence Maroney entered the touchdown party with his first score of the season, on the Patriots opening drive of the game.

The Patriot haters out there are going to whine and complain that the Pats were running up the score and embarrass Bills Coach Dick Jauron. On contrary, when the Patriots went for the score on 4th and goal, they were giving the Bills a chance to stop them. There is a greater chance to stop a pass attempt on 4th down than there is to block a field goal. It is the defense's job to stop the offense. It is not Brady's fault that the defense left Randy Moss wide open on the sideline for two easy scores. Everytime the offense is out there, they are out there to score not to take a knee - as some people want Brady to do.

Speaking of Moss, if you were in coma for the last few years, you would never think that he was a trouble-maker from what he has given the Patriots this year. He has molded himself to the Patriot Way. Even to the point that Brady AND Bill Belichick were giving him compliments. That fourth round draft pick better be good for the Raiders because this deal was a steal. But in the past Belichick has turned previous "Me-Guys" into "Team-Guys." Look no further than Corey Dillon who was instrumental in the Patriots winning their third championship in 2004. Rodney Harrison was regarded as a dirty player during his time in San Diego, is now a Captain for the Patriots and a role model for the younger players, such as Brandon Meriweather.

To put it simply, Sunday's game proved the New England Patriots are at a totally different level than the rest of the National Football League. This is what you can do with Quarterback who can throw the ball, receivers who can catch it and a defense who can defend.

*Special thanks to Dr. Herb Smith, at McDaniel College, for teaching the students in API, fall of 2004, a little Latin.

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