More Bulletin Board Material.....

Wow more bulletin board material for the Pats care of the New York media.

The New York Post called Tom Brady a “Posy Patsie” the day after Brady was seen walking into his girlfriend, Gisele Bundchen’s, New York apartment with a boot on his foot. Who would have ever thought New Yorkers would stoop this low? But then again it took three journalists to write a 300-word article, who also called the Patriots quarterback “cocky.” Nice way of showing objectivity. Last time I checked, most journalists can crank out 300 words in less than an hour.

THE “IT” FACTOR!! What is this? A new NBC reality TV show? Some secret weapon, like “The Annexation of Puerto Rico?” No, the “It” factor is “destiny, perseverance and camaraderie.” Three things the Patriots also have themselves. So how do these three things make it an “It” Factor for the Giants if the Patriots too have them? I fail to see the logic. And unlike the Buccaneers, Cowboys and Packers, the Patriots do not provide the opposing team with bulletin board material. They wait until Sunday and do all their talking on the field. Also I do not thing Bill Belichick is sitting in his office in Foxboro, contemplating the “It” Factor.

Since the power has been shifted, every sports fan outside of New England has a hatred for Boston. In Johnette (yes Johnette) Howard’s column for Newsday, she claims “Boston must be stopped” as she claims there is reason behind her illogical rants but all it really is, is jealously. She even goes as far as saying “Three championships hoarded by one city in the same year?.... But it cannot happen to any place that goes by the nickname "Beantown" or trots out a football coach maligned as Belicheat.” Sorry Johnette but locals do not call Beantown that is how we Bostonians identify out-of-towners. Also Johnette, green is definitely not your color.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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